Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trump: The best thing to happen to politics in decades?

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is having a massive impact on politics. You might agree with his ideas, and support his boldness, or maybe you're intelligent, and see a completely unqualified, uneducated, narrow minded, ignorant fucktard. Either way, he has forever changed who a politician can be, and that is of huge importance.
Previously, presidential candidates played the game a very different way than the Donald is playing. Candidates spent all their time and energy saying as little as they possibly could. Negative publicity was viewed as far worse, than good publicity is good. You were better off saying nothing, than saying something that might offend. Both the Democrats and the Republican did everything they could to stay in grey areas. No one wanted to be too left wing, or too right wing. Abortion, gay rights, gun control, freedom of speech, freedom of privacy etc, were all tip toed around. No politician was ever willing to give a black and white answer. If you were to say for example, that you were in total support of gay marriage, you might make all the gay people happy, but that doesn't mean they are going to vote for you, however, all the bible thumping, hill billies, that hate gays, will definitely not vote for you, so you've lost votes, but not necessarily gained any. It's better to stay neutral, and not offend anyone. Unfortunately, this means that it's impossible to know what any politicians views are, because they aren't willing to risk disclosing them. In the end, you have a Republican, and a Democrat, that seem to have almost identical opinions, so who do you vote for?
Then came the Donald. He is more than willing to speak his mind, no matter how outrageous. He has offended pretty much everyone, including women, and all minorities, which is a pretty large demographic. So knowing what we know about politics, he would have no chance at getting any votes, and yet he captures the Republican nomination to be the next president of the USA? In some ways, Trump is like Ralph Nader. Nader was willing to speak his mind, and was further left wing than the Democratic nominee. As a independent, Nader was able to draw a lot of votes away from the Democrats because he was willing to be more bold, take a stand. Maybe that was foreshadowing. Maybe people want something to vote for, instead of something to vote against. Donald Trump is showing us that offending people isn't the worst thing you can do as a politician, and that speaking your mind, no matter how against the grain your thoughts might be, can earn you respect, even if people don't agree with you. Trump has said that Mexicans are rapists, thieves and murderers, and that a member of the supreme court is not capable of doing his job, specifically because he is mexican, and yet Trumps approval rating amongst Hispanics is still at about 11%. Yes that low, but still, after saying that, 11% will still vote for him, and you know that 98% of racists will vote for Trump because of those statements. So maybe Trump has changed the way the game is played? Maybe there is more to gain, and less to lose, by making a statement. Maybe instead of staying neutral, politicians need to take a stand on their beliefs and let people be the judge.
HA! Just kidding. The only reason Trump is getting support is the fact that Republican voters are uneducated, narrow minded, ignorant fucktards. No intelligent person is capable of seeing Trump as anything but laughable. USA! USA!

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