So I've noticed a trend, that I was going to say was interesting, but it's not, it's just stupid, and very counterintuitive. It's the concept of making sure that the things you like, or at least claim to like, aren't liked by other people, or normal people. Apparently liking common music, common clothes, common cars, common restaurants, etc, is not cool, or "trendy" This doesn't seem very logical to me. You'd think that the most popular places to eat or shop, would be popular because they are the best, and the most downloaded music and best selling shoes would be the most sought after due to the majority of people approving of those things. Unfortunately, the "hipster" mind set is now preventing people from enjoying the things they love.
You can't like mainstream music anymore. The less known an artist is, the trendier they seem to be. You are looked at like an idiot that just "follows the masses" if you admit to liking a band like Nickelback or Eminem, even though literally millions upon millions of people have decided that these artists music is enjoyable.
You can't eat at a chain restaurant anymore. You need to seek out some undiscovered hole in the wall, and report how awesome the atmosphere and ambiance is on Facebook. Sorry, but chain restaurants became chains because of supply and demand. People liked their food and service, they made profit, and opened more restaurants.
I guess I shouldn't mention Facebook. I'm sure that's not acceptable anymore either. Seeing as how everyone is on Facebook, no one will admit to using it, and will mock anyone that does.
Then there's what you are allowed to wear. You can't try to look good. A nice pair of pants, and a collard shirt is out of the question. You need to try your best to look like you don't care, because caring what you look like isn't cool. People will spend hours to look like they put in no effort, rather than a few minutes to look normal.
Even hygiene and self grooming has become a total joke. People will spend time to make it look like they spent no time doing their hair, or will always trim their facial hair to make it look like they haven't shaved in a week. I guess it's cool to not care about shaving, because being clean shaven means you're "working for the man" or "conforming to societies expectations". Does it seem logical to spend the same amount of time to make it look like you haven't shaved as it would take to just shave?
This all reminds me of people that get tattoos of Chinese symbols because it's "different", except it's not different. It's the same as everyone else that got tattoos of Chinese symbols.
If it's trendy to act different, so everyone is trying to not be mainstream, wouldn't that make everyone not cool because they are still all doing the same thing? All they have really done is denied themselves the things they truly like because they weren't "acceptable" to like.
I had a conversation once with a friend of mine, and one of his friends. The topic of rap music came up. My friends friend was talking about how much he liked rap. I said I wasn't much of a rap fan, but I liked Eminem. Both my friend, and his friend went off about how horrible Eminem was and how he had no talent, and he wasn't a real rapper. (Even though I knew my friend liked Eminem, but would never admit it in front of a "true rap fan") It's strange because as one of the best selling rappers of all time, Eminem is clearly enjoyed by far more people than most rappers. So how do you gauge whether someone or something is likeable? The less liked they are, the more likeable they are? I'm going to go with the grain on this one and suggest that maybe people need to accept that things are popular for a reason, and that liking the same thing as someone else, doesn't mean you can't think for yourself. Skinny jean look fucking ridiculous, unknown hippy bands are unknown because they suck, and Sammy J Peppers has awesome steak bites.
Also, liking things that are not mainstream, makes them mainstream, which means you can't like them anymore, thus destroying them. Once it was nice to be able to wear a Fox Racing hat or shirt, then every douche bag started wearing them. Then it was nice to see an Alpinestar hat or FMF hat, but even those became popular, even though the people wearing them had no idea what the companies were! Please, take your John Deere hats off too. You don't live on a farm, you don't own any farm equipment, you don't even own a John Deere ride on lawnmower, but you'll wear the hat like it's the most original piece of clothing ever invented.
It's time to make a decision for yourself, even if it's the same one as the masses.
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