One thing I can't full understand is how mixed martial arts is being excepted in todays, anti-violent, civilized society. The UFC (ultimate fighting championship) or monkey fights as I like to refer to them as, is the largest, most watched organization to host these events (at least in North America). For anyone that hasn't watched any of these fights, they are extremely violent, ruthless, and as far as I am concerned, unnessesary.
I have several problems with MMA being televised. My first is just the simple fact that it is more extreme violence on TV. We see enough. People become desensitized when they see something too often. If you see fist fights on TV regularly, you are going to be less shocked to see one in real life. Younger, more impressionable people might even become comfortable enough watching fights on TV and at events, that they see it as a valid outcome to a tense situation. I believe that we, as humans, have evolved to the point that communication, and having the ability to make rationale decisions has greatly reduced the need to resort to a fist fight with another person. We don't need to fight to defend our tribe, or food, or home. We now have a justice system (though flawed) that prevents us from having to fight for any reason.
My second problem is moral. Why would you fight someone for money? I can understand, that in life, there might be a situation where you want to attack, or fight someone. You witness an attack on a helpless person or catch someone breaking into your car. You could choose to call the police, but I fully understand wanting to attack the person. But to fight a random person, you may have never met before, for money? You're taking cash, to get in a ring, infront of thousnads of people, to do your best to cause as much physical harm as possible to a person, you have no grudge against. "I don't know you, but I'm going to do my best to give you a concussion, because someone paid me to." That sounds like something someone working for the mob, or a gang would say. What type of moral standards do you have, when you are basically a hired goon? What message does that send? It's ok to beat someone senseless, if you get paid enough?
Speaking of hired goons, a large percent of these guys are. Here's some MMA fighter stats. Harold Howard attacked his nephew with the claw end of a hammer. Harolds sister try to stop him, so he attacked her with the hammer too. Joe Son gang raped and sodomized a girl in the back of a car at gun point. Charles Bennett has over 30 arrests, ranging from grand theft, burglary and multiple drug charges to battery upon a pregnant woman, kidnapping and tampering with a witness. War Machine (yes his legal name) attacked his agent, porn star girlfriend and several other people at a porn industry party. Jeremy Jackson, forcible rape, kidnapping, burglary, assault with a firearm, dissuading a witness by threat of force, criminal threats and sexual assault. Justin Levens killed his wife, and then himself. There are more, but the best is Jarred Wyatt, who cut his friends heart out, while he was alive and threw it in a fire, cut out his tongue, cooked some of his organs, and had cut off most of his face by the time the police showed up, because his friend "had the devil in him". These people are violent people. People that like to fight and hurt people, so we put them in a ring, and pay them to do it. You want impressionable people watching these criminals and thinking, maybe if I get good at fighting, I can hurt people for money too?
Which brings me to my last problem with MMA. What message does it send to our youth? You have bullies in schools, that have something to strive for now. A bully should have no support. They should feel like they are losers, and will never amount to anything in life, but now, they have a new hope. These uneducated, delinquent, douche bags, that pick on people and make peoples lives hell, are going nowhere in life. They are shunned in the real world and will never amount to anything. The ability to take a punch, and cause pain will get them nowhere. Now these bullies are making large sums of cash, and are idolized, thanks to the UFC.
Now the defence I have heard for the fighters is that they aren't all goons. A lot of them are extremely skilled athletes. They train for endless hours, study their opponents, and are trained in countless types of martial arts, including wrestling. I agree. I think there are fighters like JSP, that is very intellegent, trains as hard as any athlete, and views fights as a competiition between two trained athletes. Karate, and wrestling, and countless other martial art, have been around for many years. The combatants are discipline, and respect each other. But it seems to me that the UFC has attracted some discipline, hounorable fighter, and some ruthless thugs. Why are criminals aloud to fight? Why are the combatants aloud to smack talk each other? Why are dirty fighter aloud back to fight? In karate, or wrestling or other martial arts, the thugs and goons would be shunned, not celibrated. When you allow these types of fighters, you attract a different type of croud. The typical UFC fan doesn't go to watch two professional athletes compete in a strategy based duel. They want to see someone hurt someone else. They want blood. You don't watch a karate fight or wrestling match for blood.
Are there fighters that are in the sport for the strategy, comradery, hounor and respect of their fellow fighters? Yes. But there are far too many fighters and fans that only want carnage and blood shed. I've been in bars when UFC fights have been on. It was disturbing to me the hear the people in the bar cheer when someone was kneed in the face, or kicked in the side of the head. Why is that something to cheer about?
I mentioned in an earlier blog about guns, and how a very very tiny amout of gun owners are a threat. 99.9% take firearms far too seriously to think about even pointing them at another human being. But that 0.1% wrecks it for the rest of gun owners. The thing with UFC is that it's not 0.1% that are bad apples. I'd say it's far higher. 25%, 30%, 50%? Far too high. And regardless if the fighters are respectful and hounorable, or are just out to hurt people. They are still taking money, to get in a ring and harm another person and I don't think that is something society needs. Why give uneducated, violent, blood thirsty thugs, something to cheer about, or get paid to do?
This blog is intended to be more of a rant than an actual blog. It's my views of happenings. Things that I see or hear, that grind my gears.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
With a 90% Chance of Drama.
Chris Rock said something in one of his stand up comedy acts, that stuck with me, and from what I can see, is true. He stated that in a relationship, "you are either happy and bored, or miserable and loving it".
If you think of all the relationships you know of, every one falls into one of those categories. It seems like it's either an up again, down again, rollercoaster, full of drama, heartache and tears, or it's bland, rational, monotone and quiet. Every romantic movie every made is one or the other aswell. You have movies like "Date Night" where a couple is great together, and seem to get along with no confrontation, but want more excitment in their relationship, or you have the typical, boy meets girl, boy leaves girl, boy and girl hate each other, boy and girl get back together drama. (usually a chick flick)
So why are there these two main types of relationships? I think, in part, is has to do with the fact that, as humans, we were not designed to be monogamous. Experts figure we are designed to fall passionatly in love with someone, mate, raise a child through infantcy, and by then, the love wears out, and we move on. MRIs have shown dopamine is produced in the brain, for about the first 7 months of a relationship, when a person is shown a picture of there partner. Serotonin also drops 40%, giving you the "love sickness", which can make you do odd things and give you new viggor. People with OCD also have about 40% lower serotonin levels than the average person. Some traits of being in love seem to match those of OCD, don't you think?
The point is, the passion, or lust if you will, wears out, and when it's gone, you either start fighting, or you become friends. The couples that always argue, and leave each other, only to make up and get back together, like the intensity of the relationship. The constant drama keeps it exciting. Never knowing what the next day will bring. Hate and anger, are intense feelings and some people would rather feel those emotions, than none at all. The Eminem/Rihanna song "Love the way you lie" sums up this type of relationship best.
"As long as the wrong feels right
It's like I'm in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It's like I'm huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer."
On the other end of it, you have the couples that just seem to jive. No raising their voices, no kicking each other out of the house, they just get along. There's no drama, and if you were to put it into a movie, it would be a very boring movie.
For some, their day to day life, is all they need for excitment, drama, and stress. Work might be intense, and stressful. Maybe bills, and other finacial problems create enough drama. Maybe the intensity of some of their hobbies, is more than enough to keep them feeling alive. Maybe being best friends with their partner is the perfect balence in their life. Something stable, and calming to come home to every day.
For the others, maybe their job is boring, and everything in their life is very grey. They need something emotional to feel alive, even if it's a stressful emotion. Sometimes getting into an intense debate can be very exhilarating, and just what someone needs to bring them back to life.
Both types of relationship have their pros and cons, and suit different people for different reasons. My only concern is the effects a "miserable and loving it" relationship might have on children. I think raising children in an environment where the parents fight often, can have major adverse effects.
Either way you look at it, it's very strange that monogamy is forced upon us by society. When did we start becoming monogamous? I'm guessing it came with the invention of religion, and with it, marrage. I believe that in todays society, we must be monogamous if we choose to have children. The burden of raising a child on your own, with the demands of todays world, is too much to ask of one person.
I hope anyone reading this, can help make sence of their own relationships, and decied for themselves, do you want to be happy and bored, or miserable and loving it?
If you think of all the relationships you know of, every one falls into one of those categories. It seems like it's either an up again, down again, rollercoaster, full of drama, heartache and tears, or it's bland, rational, monotone and quiet. Every romantic movie every made is one or the other aswell. You have movies like "Date Night" where a couple is great together, and seem to get along with no confrontation, but want more excitment in their relationship, or you have the typical, boy meets girl, boy leaves girl, boy and girl hate each other, boy and girl get back together drama. (usually a chick flick)
So why are there these two main types of relationships? I think, in part, is has to do with the fact that, as humans, we were not designed to be monogamous. Experts figure we are designed to fall passionatly in love with someone, mate, raise a child through infantcy, and by then, the love wears out, and we move on. MRIs have shown dopamine is produced in the brain, for about the first 7 months of a relationship, when a person is shown a picture of there partner. Serotonin also drops 40%, giving you the "love sickness", which can make you do odd things and give you new viggor. People with OCD also have about 40% lower serotonin levels than the average person. Some traits of being in love seem to match those of OCD, don't you think?
The point is, the passion, or lust if you will, wears out, and when it's gone, you either start fighting, or you become friends. The couples that always argue, and leave each other, only to make up and get back together, like the intensity of the relationship. The constant drama keeps it exciting. Never knowing what the next day will bring. Hate and anger, are intense feelings and some people would rather feel those emotions, than none at all. The Eminem/Rihanna song "Love the way you lie" sums up this type of relationship best.
"As long as the wrong feels right
It's like I'm in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It's like I'm huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer."
On the other end of it, you have the couples that just seem to jive. No raising their voices, no kicking each other out of the house, they just get along. There's no drama, and if you were to put it into a movie, it would be a very boring movie.
For some, their day to day life, is all they need for excitment, drama, and stress. Work might be intense, and stressful. Maybe bills, and other finacial problems create enough drama. Maybe the intensity of some of their hobbies, is more than enough to keep them feeling alive. Maybe being best friends with their partner is the perfect balence in their life. Something stable, and calming to come home to every day.
For the others, maybe their job is boring, and everything in their life is very grey. They need something emotional to feel alive, even if it's a stressful emotion. Sometimes getting into an intense debate can be very exhilarating, and just what someone needs to bring them back to life.
Both types of relationship have their pros and cons, and suit different people for different reasons. My only concern is the effects a "miserable and loving it" relationship might have on children. I think raising children in an environment where the parents fight often, can have major adverse effects.
Either way you look at it, it's very strange that monogamy is forced upon us by society. When did we start becoming monogamous? I'm guessing it came with the invention of religion, and with it, marrage. I believe that in todays society, we must be monogamous if we choose to have children. The burden of raising a child on your own, with the demands of todays world, is too much to ask of one person.
I hope anyone reading this, can help make sence of their own relationships, and decied for themselves, do you want to be happy and bored, or miserable and loving it?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Election time, why bother?
So it looks like there's another federal election coming to Canada. They only happen every four years, so I guess it's due, right? What do you mean it's only been two and a half years? And the one before that was only two and a half years aswell? You see, in Canada, we have a whole bunch of different parties, and at any time, they can get together and call an election for any reason they want really, and lets face it, for $300,000,000, why wouldn't you call an election?
The Canadian parties, are much like the American parties, they like to fight each other. Even if they might agree with the other party, they will never admit it, because by arguing and fighting, you turn the public against the current running party. Ever notice that all add campains are about how horrible the other parties are? It's never "we are the best suited leaders, and here's why..." instead it's "here's the reasons to not vote for the other party..." It's easier to shock someone into not liking a party, than it is to win them over with good intentions.
This current election is being called because the opposing parties, didn't like the budget that the Conservatives came up with, or so they say. Did they even look at the budget? It was voted down in very little time. I think it could have been the best budget possible, and we would still be having an election. Why? Simple, if the opposing parties think they have a chance at doing slightly better in an election, then they did in the last one, they will call one. What's stopping them? If they call too many elections, the public will get angry with the party calling the election, so they need to be careful to not call them too often.
All of the main parties are the same. They say exactly what the majority of the population wants to hear, so they get elected, and then do none of what they promised. If 51% of voters want to kill and eat babies, then you can garentee, the main parties will be preaching "we need to get these babies killed, so we can get eating!" But the funny thing is, they wont come out and say anything in black and white, because you will offend some of the population, so they would word it something like this "If the general public sees fit to kill and eat babies, then that is something we will need to consider in future deliberations" That way they didn't offend the 49% that don't want to kill and eat babies, because it's "open for deliberation" The fact of the matter is, they don't care. As a politician, you never speek your mind, unless your opinion is the same as the bulk of the population. They are all a bunch of liers, saying exactly what it will take to get themselves in power, whether they believe in what they say or not.
The parties spend so much time and effort fighting each other, they have no time, energy, or resources to accomplish anything useful. When is the last time you heard an opposing party say "yeah, that other party has a really great idea, and I think we should all get behind it." Instead, the leading party is always fighting an uphill battle, even if they are trying to do the right thing. It's amazing that in America right now, they have a president that is honestly trying to fight the good fight and do what is best for the USA. He is honest, intelegent, and seems to actually give a damn about the counrty and it's people. The vice presedent is on the same boat, speaking his mind, and trying to do what is right. Even Hillary is an outstanding person, doing outstanding work. Together, they might be the best team of leaders the USA has seen in decades, and yet the Republicans fight them every step of the way. The Republicans are out to destroy the Democrats, even though they are trying their best to clean up the shit that George Dubya left behind.
When you go to the polls this year, and for christs sake, go to the polls, make your voice heard. You the tax payer are paying $300 million dollars, so that you can have a voice. Don't vote for who you hate least. Don't vote for who slings the most mud at the opposing parties. Vote for who you want to represent you. If you vote for party A, just because you'd rather them, than party B, you are still voting for party A. If you hate party A, but just a bit less than party B, why are you still voting for them? All party A knows is that you voted for them, and all the lies, and BS, and screw ups in the past are ok, because they still got your vote. Never again will I vote for "the lesser of two evils" It's time to send a message. Reward the party you like most with your vote, as a pat on the back, and to let them know you support what they are fighting for. And let the other parties know that you are sick of their BS, and they need to earn your vote with honesty and follow through. It's time for someone to spank these spoiled brats. Your chance is on election day.
The Canadian parties, are much like the American parties, they like to fight each other. Even if they might agree with the other party, they will never admit it, because by arguing and fighting, you turn the public against the current running party. Ever notice that all add campains are about how horrible the other parties are? It's never "we are the best suited leaders, and here's why..." instead it's "here's the reasons to not vote for the other party..." It's easier to shock someone into not liking a party, than it is to win them over with good intentions.
This current election is being called because the opposing parties, didn't like the budget that the Conservatives came up with, or so they say. Did they even look at the budget? It was voted down in very little time. I think it could have been the best budget possible, and we would still be having an election. Why? Simple, if the opposing parties think they have a chance at doing slightly better in an election, then they did in the last one, they will call one. What's stopping them? If they call too many elections, the public will get angry with the party calling the election, so they need to be careful to not call them too often.
All of the main parties are the same. They say exactly what the majority of the population wants to hear, so they get elected, and then do none of what they promised. If 51% of voters want to kill and eat babies, then you can garentee, the main parties will be preaching "we need to get these babies killed, so we can get eating!" But the funny thing is, they wont come out and say anything in black and white, because you will offend some of the population, so they would word it something like this "If the general public sees fit to kill and eat babies, then that is something we will need to consider in future deliberations" That way they didn't offend the 49% that don't want to kill and eat babies, because it's "open for deliberation" The fact of the matter is, they don't care. As a politician, you never speek your mind, unless your opinion is the same as the bulk of the population. They are all a bunch of liers, saying exactly what it will take to get themselves in power, whether they believe in what they say or not.
The parties spend so much time and effort fighting each other, they have no time, energy, or resources to accomplish anything useful. When is the last time you heard an opposing party say "yeah, that other party has a really great idea, and I think we should all get behind it." Instead, the leading party is always fighting an uphill battle, even if they are trying to do the right thing. It's amazing that in America right now, they have a president that is honestly trying to fight the good fight and do what is best for the USA. He is honest, intelegent, and seems to actually give a damn about the counrty and it's people. The vice presedent is on the same boat, speaking his mind, and trying to do what is right. Even Hillary is an outstanding person, doing outstanding work. Together, they might be the best team of leaders the USA has seen in decades, and yet the Republicans fight them every step of the way. The Republicans are out to destroy the Democrats, even though they are trying their best to clean up the shit that George Dubya left behind.
When you go to the polls this year, and for christs sake, go to the polls, make your voice heard. You the tax payer are paying $300 million dollars, so that you can have a voice. Don't vote for who you hate least. Don't vote for who slings the most mud at the opposing parties. Vote for who you want to represent you. If you vote for party A, just because you'd rather them, than party B, you are still voting for party A. If you hate party A, but just a bit less than party B, why are you still voting for them? All party A knows is that you voted for them, and all the lies, and BS, and screw ups in the past are ok, because they still got your vote. Never again will I vote for "the lesser of two evils" It's time to send a message. Reward the party you like most with your vote, as a pat on the back, and to let them know you support what they are fighting for. And let the other parties know that you are sick of their BS, and they need to earn your vote with honesty and follow through. It's time for someone to spank these spoiled brats. Your chance is on election day.
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