Sunday, June 25, 2017


So I think all people will fit into four categories. 1: Stupid and unambitious. We aren't going to talk about them, because there's not much they can, or will do. 2: Smart and unambitious people. 3: Stupid but ambitious people. 4: Smart ambitious people. We aren't going to talk much about them either. We know who they are. I think the bulk of the population falls into category 2 and 3.
Let's talk first about group 2. I'll put myself in that category. I've never been an over achiever, content to do what I need to get by. Never doing my homework, or showing up to class, but still got Bs. I have a niece that fits in this category as well. She is very smart, and has now tested as "gifted". The problem is nothing seems to motivate her to apply herself. Why give 100% when you can give 50% and keep up with everyone else?
Now lets talk about category 3 people. I'll give you the pinnacle example of this group. Donald Trump. He's not smart. He makes decisions without a thought, or consulting an expert, or doing a moment of research. And yet he is massively successful. Yes he's failed, and lost his wealth many times, which proves my point because he always got his wealth back. How did he become president? Smarts or ambition? Have you ever worked for someone that you knew you were smarter than? Did you know you could run the company better than they could? Why were YOU working for THEM? If you could run the company better, why weren't you running the company? The food chain will always start with category 1 at the bottom, followed by category 2,3 and 4 at the top. Why are the smart category 3s working for the stupid category 2s? Ambition. Maybe the stupid people are to dumb to calculate risk, so they just do it. Just start a company, or apparently run for president. I know many people that are far more successful in life than I am, and it's not because they're smarter, it's because they tried. I know a real estate agent that isn't the brightest. She owns 10 rental houses. Her numbers aren't great on them. She could be making better margins if she bought in better areas, or knew her rental markets better. The fact is, each house still makes money. Maybe they only make 7% instead of 10%, but it doesn't matter, she has 10. 10 at 7% is infinitely better than none at 10%. She just did it, and it works. She has 4 kids, a full time job, and manages 10 rental houses. She's getting it done. Are you?
A lot of people mock self help books and seminars. I know I did. I wondered who would give money to people that want to tell you how great you are and pat you on the back. The thing is, these seminars are made for the category 2 people. Maybe you just need the confidence to be ambitious. Maybe you need to see that there is no reason a category 2 should be working for a category 3. If a stupid person can make it work, why can't you? I don't know why a smart person can see a successful company or person and think that's out of their reach. Most companies and people started at zero. All you need is ambition. If that's all you have, you might fail, or you might get by, but if you're smart, you will succeed, and if you fail, try again. Many hugely successful people fail, but they believe, and they prove themselves right. Steve Jobs go fired from Apple, only to later become the CEO.
So what's stopping you? If you tell yourself all the excuses why you can't, you'll always be right. Stop saying could have, should have, would have and be the person that did. Think of all the people you know that have pulled the trigger on something big. Most of them, even the idiots, succeed. The real idiot is the smart person, working for an idiot.