You know what really grinds my gears? The continued intolerance towards gays by the government. In a time where being politically correct is a necessity to be accepted by society, somehow this non politically correctness is still alive and well. I am a firm believer that political correctness has gone too far, and is robbing us of our right to free speech, our individualism, and so many good jokes. In Canada, political correctness even trumps laws now. An east Indian no longer needs to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle on the street. A law that has been in place for many years, designed to save lives. But this law can now be broken if it is against your religion to wear a helmet. God forbid we step on religion for human safety. The point I'm try to make is that the government will do anything and everything, including rewriting laws, to avoid offending anyone. And yet it is still ok to deny homosexuals the same basic rights as heterosexuals?
I've lost track of what the laws are in Canada, but I know in the states there are still places where gays can not marry. I understand the bible thumping, inbreeders objection, that the bible clearly states marriage is the union of a man and a women, and if churches refuse to marry gays, so be it. The KKK still gather to hate everything not white, why can't cultist churches preach what they choose as well? It is a private organization. But the fact that the government still refuses to recognize a gay marriage is baffling. Why not take away their right to vote, and make them ride at the back of the bus? I can see this intolerance back when misinformation was rampant. You had government officials, and news broadcasters stating that African Americans had smaller brains than white people and they were not much more than monkeys. But all that BS was debunked, and people stopped listening to the racists and made a decision for themselves. Now it seems times have gotten better, there's less misinformation, people are more accepting, and it's largely do to the fact that the government has gone towards tolerance and being more politically correct. The government has wised up and realized offending people loses you votes. The thing is, a lot of people listen to their government, some a little too much. If the government says a gay marriage isn't equal to a straight marriage, the simpletons, in the bible belt will believe it. So why is the government still saying it? Well it's simple, there are more red neck, homophobes than there are gays, and they would rather offend less people, so they can get more votes. The problem is, it's a catch 22. The Red necks will never stop hating gays if the government says it's ok to do so.
The only easy solution I can see is to give both sides what they want. Let the child molesting priests, marry the red necks to their cousins "in the name of the lord" and let the gays get married in the name of the government. I can't stand the ignorance and intolerance of religion, so let them have the "in gods eyes" marriage, but allow married gays to have all of the legal right and benefits of a straight married couple.
It's 2013. The fact that there is any one body of people that is discriminated against, or not treated equally by the government baffles me. The people that went through the racism of the 50s and sexism of, well always, look back and shake their heads. The sad thing is, they had an excuse of misinformation. They were lied to by their officials. What's our excuse? We know better. I'm shaking my head now.